About the characteristics of logistics bar code

2022-10-19 | 975 view
Logistics bar code is a special code used to identify the concrete objects in the logistics field in the supply chain.


Logistics bar code is a special code used to identify the concrete objects in the logistics field in the supply chain. It is the shared data of the whole supply chain process, including manufacturers, distribution industry, transportation industry, consumers and other links.

1. Unique identifier of the storage and transportation unit

Logistics bar code is a unique identification of storage and transportation units, usually identifying a collection of multiple or multiple kinds of commodities, used for the modern management of logistics.

2. Serve the whole process of supply chain

Logistics bar code serves the whole process of supply chain, manufacturers produce products, through packaging, transportation, storage, sorting, distribution, until the retail store, through a number of links, logistics bar code is the unique identification of these links, so it involves a wider range, is a common data shared by a variety of industries.

3. More information

Logistics barcode is a variable barcode that can represent a variety of meanings and information. It is the unique identifier of freight packaging without meaning and can represent the volume, weight, production date, batch number and other information of the goods. It is formulated by trading partners according to their needs in the process of trade through unified negotiation.

4. The variability

With the continuous development of national trade, the logistics bar code arises as the trading partners' demand for all kinds of information increases. Its application is expanding and its content is also enriching.

5. Maintenance

The related standard of logistics bar code is a standard that needs to be maintained frequently. Timely communication of user needs and communication of changes in the application of bar code by standardization bodies is one of the important guarantees to ensure the modernization and information management of logistics in international trade.