Two-dimensional code data format

2022-12-01 | 1082 view
Qr codes can store text information, but text information can represent a lot of things.


Qr codes can hold various types of actionable text information. The following describes exactly what information can be stored by QR codes.

1. URL

The most common way of two-dimensional code is to compile the website. It should be noted that the website needs to have a protocol, such as "http://", when compiling, otherwise it will be considered as ordinary text details.

Note that QR codes are more efficient at compiling uppercase letters than lowercase letters, and it is best not to use URL capitalization until you have determined if your server supports generic case.

2. E-mail address

To identify the compiled information as an email address, the format is

In addition, you can also add the content of the mail, the specific format is MATMSG:TO:; SUB:Test; BODY:This is a test. ;;

3. Mobile phone number

When compiling the mobile phone number, it is better to add the country number before the mobile phone number. For example, in China, it is +86. For example, TEL:+8613800138000

In addition to compiling mobile phone numbers, you can also compile SMS messages. For example, SMSTO:+8613800138000: Test SMS.

The format of mobile MMS and SMS is the same, specifically: MMSTO:+8613800138000: test MMS;

4. Personal Business cards

You can use the vCard format ( to use personal name card.

For example, the name is Sun Wukong, the address is Huaguo Mountain, the telephone number is 13800138000, and the email address is The specific format is as follows:

MECARD:N: The Monkey King; ADR: Huaguo Mountain; TEL:+8613800138000;;;

5. Geographic information

For example, the latitude and longitude information of Google's Seattle office has been compiled. The dimension is 40.71872, 73.98905 west longitude, and the latitude and longitude is accurate to the unit of 100 meters. The specific format is GEO:40.71872,-73.98905,100