MSI Plessey Code A simple introduction to bar codes

2023-01-10 | 927 view
MSI Plessey Code was designed by plesser Company in the UK for use in libraries and retail applications. MSI Plessey Code is a digital barcode used in supermarkets, storage warehouses and other storage room shelves.


MSI Plessey Code was designed by plesser Company in the UK for use in libraries and retail applications. MSI Plessey Code is a digital barcode used in supermarkets, storage warehouses and other storage room shelves. The bar code on the shelf can tell the products on the shelf, the quantity to be placed and other relevant information. Bar codes can be of any length, but are usually fixed to a specific application length.

MSI Plessey Code Also known as (MSI or Modified Plessey) is a digital barcode represented by BCD decimal digits (character set 0 to 9 digits). MIS Plessey code is a variant of Plessey code, whose name comes from MSI Data Company. A complete MIS Plessey code consists of a start character, a data character, a check character, a stop character and two sides of the static area. MSI Plessey bar codes can only encode numbers, not letters. And binary efficiency is low, easy to error.