About SCC-14 bar code introduction

2023-01-29 | 967 view
SCC-14 (ShippingContainerCode) is a type of bar code used for container transportation. It is not a bar code type.


SCC-14 (ShippingContainerCode) is a type of bar code used for container transportation. It is not a bar code type. It is not a formal bar code system, but the application of a variety of bar code types in a certain field. There are two types of barcodes for their purpose: ITF-14 barcode or UCC/EAN-128 barcode. The most widely used representation is the UCC/EAN-128 format, Application Identifier (AI) 01. Another ITF-14 code is a code system based on Interleaved 25 code (Interleaved2of5), which is also often used. It can be used to make SCC-14 code by selecting suitable bar code types according to the specific situation of barcode printing software.


SCC-14 bar code itself is the ITF-14 bar code or EAN/UCC128 bar code, but it is used in the container shipping process, so it is also called SCC-14 bar code. SSC-14 bar code in EAN/UCC-128 format, Application Identifier (AI) 01. ITF-14 code is special. It has self-verification function and a support bar outside the whole bar code.