Briefly introduce the meaning of cosmetic bar code

2023-02-17 | 871 view
The 13 digits in the barcode map represent the meaning: the first three digits show the region (country) where the product was produced.


The 13 digits in the barcode map represent the meaning: the first three digits show the region (country) where the product was produced. The following 4 digits indicate the trade name of the manufacturer, which is assigned to the applied trade name by the coding agency of the country (or region).

The next 5 digits are the number of individual goods. The manufacturer first divides the products into different categories and then codes them one by one. The manufacturer can code 100,000 items of goods in total.

The last digit is a check code that allows the scanner to check the entire code to avoid misreading it.

Take bar code 6936983800013 as an example

The bar code is divided into 4 parts, from left to right:

1-3 digits: A total of 3 digits, the bar code should be 693, is one of the country codes of China.

4-8 digits: a total of 5 digits, 69838 should be barcode, representing the manufacturer's code, which is applied by the manufacturer and allocated by the state;

9-12 digits: a total of 4 digits, 0001, which should be the barcode, represents the product code in the factory, which is determined by the manufacturer;

The 13th digit: a total of 1 digit, should be the bar code 3, is a check code, according to a certain algorithm, calculated by the first 12 digits.

Cosmetic prefix code is generally used to identify the production country or region.

National barcode beginning:

United States, Canada 00-09, Israel 729, Chinese Mainland 690-692, Sino-foreign joint ventures bar code: 693, Denmark 57, Venezuela 759, Norway 70, Japan 45-49, Uruguay 773, Switzerland 76, Belgium/Luxembourg 54, Bolivia 773, Spain 84, Finland 64, Chile 780, Austria 90-91, Sweden 73, Ecuador 786, New Zealand 94, Italy 80-83 Cuba 850, Slovenia 383, Netherlands 87, Czech Republic 859, Germany 400-440, Australia 93, South Korea 880, Taiwan 471, Bulgaria 380, Singapore 888, Latvia 475, Croatia 385, Malaysia 893, Sri Lanka 479, Russia 460-469, Vietnam 977, Hong Kong 489, Estonia 474, Mexico 750, Cyprus 529, Lithuania 47 7, Colombia 770, Malta 535, Philippines 480, Peru 775, Portugal 560, Greece 520, Argentina 779 Poland 590, Macedonia 531, Paraguay 784, Hungary 599, Ireland 539, Brazil 789, Mauritius 609, Iceland 569, Slovakia 858, Albania 613, Romania 594, Yugoslavia 860, South Africa 600-601, Thailand 885, France 30-37, Morocco 611, India 890, United Kingdom 50, Turkey 619, 869, Indonesia 899.

Of course, now there are a lot of software can query cosmetics, also very convenient.