Application of GS1 system in food traceability

2022-08-22 | 1086 view
GS1 system is a standard and commercial language developed and maintained by the International Article Coding Organization (GS1) and applied in the field of global commerce.


GS1 system is a standard and commercial language developed and maintained by the International Article Coding Organization (GS1) and applied in the field of global commerce. It is commonly referred to as the Global Uniform Identification System (GS1 System). At present, GS1 system can be seen in supermarkets, warehouses, logistics transportation, hospitals, schools, government agencies and so on.

Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to the quality of food. At this time, it is necessary to trace the raw materials of food from raw materials to finished products, so it is necessary to use the GS1 system at this time.

With back end systems, consumer can real-time accurate query product packaging, warehousing, transportation, sales and other information of the whole production cycle, and put these information through the way such as Internet, terminal gets, telephone real-time rendering platform that enables the management and service to consumers, let consumers to decide whether to buy the food, It is also conducive to the government's supervision and management of food.

Can be more intuitive to understand the responsibility of each enterprise in the food industry chain, find the market above the circulation of food product source information, effectively find the person in charge of food product quality, so that the quality of hidden dangers of timely detection out of the market, so that good quality can establish a good reputation and image.