Barcode symbol representation of pharmaceutical product code

2022-08-19 | 1047 view
The standardized barcode symbol is used to represent the medical product code, which provides technical support for the automatic identification and automatic data collection of traditional Chinese medicine product code in the circulation process.


The standardized barcode symbol is used to represent the medical product code, which provides technical support for the automatic identification and automatic data collection of traditional Chinese medicine product code in the circulation process. The symbol of the pharmaceutical product code is represented by EAN/UPC barcode, ITF-14 barcode, UCC/EAN-128 barcode.

EAN/UPC bar codes

EAN/UPC barcode symbols are used to identify retail pharmaceutical products, including EAN-13 and EAN-8. Ean-13 bar code is a universal commodity bar code, which consists of 13 digits. Ean-8 product barcode refers to an 8-digit product barcode that is used for identification, consisting of a 7-digit item code and a 1-digit identifier.

Itf-14 bar code

Itf-14 barcodes are only used to identify trade items in pharmaceutical products that are sold, stored or shipped in non-retail channels. Itf-14 barcode symbols correspond to 14-digit codes. To represent the EAN/UCC-13 identification code with the ITF-14 barcode, a "0" is added before the 13-digit code, which is completed to 14 digits. In this case, the "0" is not a packaging indicator.

UCC/EAN-128 bar code

UCC/EAN-128 barcode symbol is a subset of Code128 code, belongs to EAN and UCC special. It is a barcode symbol used to represent additional information in the EAN/UCC system and is also commonly used to identify non-retail trade items.

Gs1-128 barcode formerly known as UCC/EAN-128, there are other names such as: UCC-128, EAN-128 and so on. Some popular GS1-128 bar codes are coding rules in line with international standards UCC/EAN-128 bar codes.