The law of commodity bar code

2022-09-02 | 1105 view
The 13-digit EAN commodity barcode barcode is divided into four parts: prefix code, manufacturer identification code, commodity code, verification code.


13-digit EAN commodity bar codes Bar codes are divided into four parts

1. the first 2-3 digits are prefix codes, indicating the country or region of the assigned code. The mainland region of our country is 690-695.

2. The first 7-9 digits of the prefix code are the manufacturer identification code, which identifies the enterprise that has obtained the code.

3. AFTER the manufacturer IDENTIFICATION code to the 12TH part of the commodity code, compiled by the enterprise itself.

4. The last bit is the check code, which is calculated from the first 12 bits by a certain formula to ensure no error in digit recognition.

The code of commodity bar code must abide by the principles of uniqueness, stability and no meaning

1) Uniqueness. The principle of uniqueness is the basic principle of commodity barcode coding. It means that commodities of the same commodity item should be assigned the same commodity code, and commodities of different commodity items must be assigned different commodity code. Commodities with the same basic characteristics shall be regarded as the same commodity item. The basic characteristic items of commodities are the key factors to classify the categories of commodities, including commodity name, trademark, type, specification, quantity, packaging type, etc. Different industries of goods, its basic characteristics are often not the same; Different enterprises in the same industry can set different basic features according to their own management requirements.

2) Stability. The stability principle refers to the commodity code once allocated, as long as the basic characteristics of the commodity do not change, it should remain unchanged. The same commodity item, whether long-term continuous production or discontinuous production, must adopt the same commodity code. Even if production of the item is discontinued, the item code should not be used on any other item for at least 4 years.

3) No meaning. The principle of meaninglessness is that each digit in the commodity code does not indicate any specific information about the commodity. Meaningful coding usually results in a loss of barcode coding capacity. Manufacturers in the preparation of commodity item code, the best use of meaningless serial number.