Barcode identification of non-retail goods

2022-09-13 | 1014 view
There are three types of barcode identifiers for non-retail products: EAN/UPC barcode, ITF14 barcode, UCC barcode and EAN-128 barcode.


There are three types of barcode identifiers for non-retail products: EAN/UPC barcode, ITF14 barcode, UCC barcode and EAN-128 barcode. Manufacturers can select different barcode systems based on the actual situation.

When the EAN/ UCC-13 code is used in the coding scheme, the barcode identifier can be any one of the EAN/UPC barcode, ITF-14 barcode and UCC/EAN-128 barcode.

1. Use EAN/UPC bar codes. EAN/UPC bar codes can represent both retail and non-retail items. They are used in the same way.

2. Use ITF-14 bar code. Tf-14 bar code is only used on the packaging of non-retail goods without POS scan settlement (can be directly used in the warehouse). The barcode symbol is suitable for printing directly on corrugated paper or fiberboard.

3. Use UCC/EAN128 bar code. UCC/EAN128 barcode is the only non-fixed length barcode symbol that can be used to represent additional information in ANCC Global Uniform Identification System and is used in conjunction with the application identifier.

 When the EAN/UCC-14 code is used in the coding scheme, the barcode identification can be either ITF14 or UCC/EAN-128 barcode.

1. Use EAN/UCC-14 bar codes

2. Use UCC/EAN-128 bar code