An introduction to logistics bar codes

2022-09-19 | 1027 view
Logistics bar code is a special code used to identify concrete objects in the process of logistics. It is a graphic composed of a group of black and white bars and blanks


Logistics bar code is a special code used to identify concrete objects in the process of logistics. It is a graphic composed of a group of black and white bars and blanks, which can be automatically identified by reading equipment and automatically complete data acquisition. The use of logistics barcode can make the information transfer more convenient, fast and accurate.

Logistics bar code standard system it involves a wide range of related standards. At present, there are only three kinds of internationally recognized logistics bar codes, namely, EAN13 code, ITF14 code and UCC/EAN128 code, which can basically meet the application requirements of logistics bar code system.

ITF 14 barcode

ITF 14 bar code is a continuous, fixed length, with self-check function, and the bar, the blank represents the information of the bidirectional bar code. ITF 14 The composition of the barcode character set and barcode characters is the same as that of the cross 25 code. It consists of a rectangular protection box, the right blank area, bar code characters, and the right blank area.

UCC/EAN - 128 bar code

UCC/EAN-128 bar code Application identifier A bar code consists of application identifier data. Each application identifier consists of two to four digits. The data length of the barcode application identifier depends on the application identifier. The UCC/EAN-128 bar code is used to represent the barcode application identifier. And multiple bar code application identifiers can be represented by a bar code symbol. The UCC/EAN-128 bar code consists of a two-character start symbol, a data character, a verification character, a termination character, and a blank area on the left and right. UCC/EAN-128 is a comprehensive, systematic and universal commercial means for information to flow with goods by using barcode identification.

The EAN code

The EAN code is a commodity bar code developed by the International Article Coding Association and is used worldwide. The code of the commodity bar code follows the principle of uniqueness to ensure that the commodity bar code is not repeated in the world, that is, a commodity item can only have one code, or a code can only identify a commodity item. Different specifications, different packaging, different varieties of goods can only use different commodity codes.