Introduction to the content and length limits of bar codes

2022-09-28 | 1049 view
The barcode generation software supports more than 100 types of barcode codes. Different code systems support different character sets.


The barcode generation software supports more than 100 types of barcode codes. Different code systems support different character sets. What kind of bar code and how many characters it supports are clearly specified in the bar code.

1.Code 128,Code 39 Extened,Code 93Extened, all ASCII codes are supported.Code 128 has three character sets, A, B, and C, and each character set supports A part, which is roughly as follows:

The A character set supports A-Z, 26 uppercase letters, 0-9 digits, and some special characters.

The B character set supports A-Z, 26 lowercase letters, 0-9 digits, and some special characters.

C character set supports pure numeric characters, 0-9 digits are supported, and the number is even. If the number is odd, 0 is automatically added before the bar code generation. The maximum length of pure characters is 32 bits, and the length of pure characters and special symbols is 44 bits.

2. Code 39, code93 support the range of 0-9 numerical characters and capital letters a-z and "/", "+", "%", "$"," - ", "." And Spaces, the length is theoretically unlimited. Code 39 Extened,Code 93Extened does not support hyphens (-) and hyphens (-). The others are the same as 39 and 93.

3.EAN8, EAN13, UPCA, and UPCE: The value ranges from 0 to 9.EAN8 contains 8 characters, EAN13 contains 13 characters, UPC-A contains 12 characters, and UPC-E contains 8 characters.

4. Issns may support characters other than digits.

5.Code 11 supports digits ranging from 0 to 9 and hyphens (-). There is no limit to the length.

6.Codabar supports 0 to 9 digits, including A, B, C, D, -, and. , "/", ":", "+", "$", the beginning and the ending characters must be" A ", "B", "C", "D" in the characters, there is no limit on the length.

7.MSI, COde 2 of 5 supports digits ranging from 0 to 9 with no limit on the length.

8.Post supports 0 to 9 numeric characters. The length is 5, 9, and 11 characters.

9.Matrix 25 (Matrix 25 code) supports 0-9 numeric characters with a length of 13 bits.

The above is the content of the bar code and the length of the introduction, of course, with the application of the two-dimensional code is more and more wide, but also for our use to provide more choices.