Introduce the basic knowledge of GS1 databAR bar code

2022-09-27 | 987 view
GS1 Databar barcode (formerly RSS barcode) is also a barcode symbol of GS1 system.


GS1 Databar barcode (formerly RSS barcode) is also a barcode symbol of GS1 system. The barcode has the advantages of smaller size, more information, and can carry additional information such as product validity period, series number, etc., which can meet the labeling requirements of extra-small products, non-quantitative products, food products that need safety traceability management and other commodities. Next, I will introduce the classification and related knowledge of GS1 Databar barcode:

GS1 Databar bar codes are classified into the following types:

1. Omnidirectional GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional directional

2. GS1 DataBar Truncated

3. Stacked GS1 DataBar Stacked

4. Omnidirectional Stacked GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional directional

5. GS1 DataBar Limited

6. GS1 DataBar Expanded

7. Expand the GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked stack

The first five types of character sets: 0-9 digits, fixed length 13 bits. Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) A unique identifier used for trade items around the world.

The application identifier (AI) for GTIN is 01.

The GS1 DataBar Expanded, GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked character set is 0-9, A-Z, A-Z! "% & '() *, +, -, / : : & lt; => ? The space FNC1 symbol can encode 20000000000000 numbers. Each value consists of 14 digits representing the 14-digit global trade item code for the packaging indicator.

The first is the connection flag, with a 1 indicating a part of the compound code and a 0 indicating a separate bar code.

Symbol structure

Symbols include left protectors, data protectors, locators, and right protectors.

The beginning (01) is the implied application identifier and is not encoded in a symbol. The last digit, 1, is a verifier and is not encoded in a symbol, which is divided into four segments that can be piecewise scanned and decoded and then reassembled.

Data character 1 and data character 2 are called left-side data character pair,

Data characters 3 and 4 are called right-sided data character pairs,

The whole symbol includes 46 units, 96 modules, height greater than or equal to 33 modules wide (X size), no white space is required.