Application of bar code technology and anti - channeling

2022-09-26 | 1019 view
Channeling is an act of selling products outside the specified territory by an agent. Anti - channeling goods is an important link in marketing chain management.


Channeling is an act of selling products outside the specified territory by an agent. Anti - channeling goods is an important link in marketing chain management. Channeling can cause a series of consequences:

1) Channeling will reduce the profits of the regular agent channel and frustrate the enthusiasm;

2) The price system is destroyed and the market is chaotic, which eventually leads to a decline in product sales;

3) In order to expand the foreign market, the manufacturers let the profits into the pockets of illegal middlemen.

To solve the problem, manufacturers can issue each product with an "ID card", that is, a label with a unique barcode. When shipping to a distributor, a portable barcode data collector is used to scan the barcode of the product sent, so that a complete distribution profile is established, recording the whereabouts of each product. Upon receipt of a feedback installation statement card, the computer system checks in the distribution file for the location of the installation and the location of the distributor according to the bar code on the card, and can instantly determine whether there is any movement of goods.