Functional features of publication barcodes

2022-09-23 | 980 view
Common publication bar codes are ISBN/ISSN these two types, first look at the publication bar code ISBN/ISSN bar codes in the content is the same, the function is the same.


Common publication bar codes are ISBN/ISSN these two types, first look at the publication bar code ISBN/ISSN bar codes in the content is the same, the function is the same. In the library work, title, responsible person, subject words, ISBN/ISSN number are the main retrieval technology means.

However, in the process of checking and recording books and periodicals, due to the determination of the inspection target, this requires the selection of retrieval methods must have strong specificity and simplicity. ISBN/ISSN bar code just has these characteristics, and has the advantages of simple operation and convenience in use, which is usually regarded as the authorized retrieval way by staff.

In addition to the characteristics of ISBN/ISSN bar codes, publication bar codes also have the advantages of manual operation that cannot be compared, that is, accuracy and speed. Under normal circumstances, the error rate of barcode input information is less than one in 10,000, and its input information speed is five times as fast as the keyboard input technology. It can be seen that using barcode technology to retrieve determined targets can not only achieve the efficiency of ISBN/ISSN barcode retrieval, but also far better than manual operation in efficiency and quality.