Railway package transport bar code application link

2022-09-22 | 958 view
In the information society today, bar code has been widely used. In our daily long-distance travel on the railway, when carrying luggage, we will find a bar code on the bag, and this bar code will also play a certain role.


In the information society today, bar code has been widely used. In our daily long-distance travel on the railway, when carrying luggage, we will find a bar code on the bag, and this bar code will also play a certain role. Today, we will simply share the application of the bar code of railway package transportation.

In the process of package acceptance, after checking and charging, checking and receiving, the bellman uses the computer to make the ticket automatically and prints the barcode on the baggage ticket and ticket tag, which contains the information of the package to be sent to the station, the number of the package to be sent, and the package ticket number.

After the acceptance of the package, in the process of loading, unloading, counting, warehouse and other links during transit operations or transportation, such as before the baggage packing car, the baggage handler prepares the loaded package in the baggage area of the station, and can scan the bar code on the package package with the barcode reading equipment. Check the information and whether the goods are prepared according to the shipping plan of the package. When unloading the luggage, after the handover of the luggage station, the bellman can use the barcode with the information of the bags to be unloaded in advance to scan the bags that have just arrived at the station, so as to check whether the luggage is unloaded according to the ticket.

In this way, the bar code is used to compound check the correctness of the package in and out of the warehouse and the package loaded and unloaded. Simplify the cumbersome of manual operations and repeat the process of inputting data, automatically update information system database of tra nsport transport state, make the computer information system of information flow and transport logistics synchronous tra nsport corresponding rise, make its consistency, simplify the storage, loading and unloading of tra nsport formalities and stuff in the process of handover procedures, speed up my stuff, Improve the efficiency of package transportation production.