The book barcode represents the meaning of each number

2022-10-08 | 971 view
The actual print on the copyright page is usually a complete Chinese standard book number.


The actual print on the copyright page is usually a complete Chinese standard book number. It consists of an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) anda Book classification -- species Number, separated by horizontal lines or slashes.

The ISBN is prefixed by an ISBN, followed by the following four segments of 10 digits:

Paragraph 1: Group number, a code name for a country, region, language, or other group of organizations. The Chinese group number is "7".

Paragraph 2: Publishing house number, the publishing house code assigned by the National Standard Book Number Center. The publishing house number of People's Posts and Telecommunications Press is 115.

The serial number of a book assigned by a publisher for publication. Usually this section serves as the label of the publisher's management book.

Section 4: Check code, which is the tenth digit of the Chinese Standard book number. Computer check for isBN code.

The paragraphs of the above 10 digits are connected with a hyphen.

Book classification -- The species number consists of the classification number of the discipline to which the book belongs and the species number.

Classification Number: Given by the publishing house according to the subject category of the book with reference to the basic categories of the Chinese Library Book Classification. Among them, the industrial technology books are given by the second level category. Therefore, this code contains 1 or 2 pinyin letters.

Species number: The serial number of different books of the same category published by the same publishing house.

Here is an example of a complete isBN:

ISBN 7-115-08612-5 / TP, 1693

When a reader checks a book or buys a book, he or she simply tells the publisher the serial number of the book. Such as 08612.

For example, ISBN 7-80697-847-X

7: China

80697: Name of the publisher

847: the title

X: effect code