The introduction of two-dimensional code security label

2022-10-12 | 991 view
Two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting label is improved and updated from the traditional two-dimensional code, so that the product anti-counterfeiting query is convenient and convenient, focusing on consumer experience.


Two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting label is improved and updated from the traditional two-dimensional code, so that the product anti-counterfeiting query is convenient and convenient, focusing on consumer experience.

Using qr code software and security system, the information of products into a qr code information of the encryption algorithm, the qr code anti-counterfeit stickers or labels are posted on the packaging, consumers only need to use mobile phones to scan products anti-counterfeiting query, at the same time also be able to get all the data information about the product, such as product production date, production detailed address, product information, So as to make consumers feel at ease to buy and monitor the function of anti-counterfeiting, the use of two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting label for product traceability and product anti-counterfeiting certification gives a simple, convenient, fast, real and credible inquiry way.

The seven advantages of two-dimensional code security label

1. Strong fault-tolerant ability

2. Huge amount of stored data information

3. Easy to view. Consumers can check the authenticity of a product by scanning the QR code security label on the product with their mobile phone.

4. Communication saves time and effort. Consumers can immediately view product information and interact with the company to improve the sense of trust in the company and products.

5. Encryption algorithm. The confidentiality of the two-dimensional code content is high.

6. Avoid faking it. The end of the encryption algorithm two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting label increases the cost of counterfeiters, so that fraud is futile.

7. Wide coverage of product information storage. All data such as photos, voices, texts, signatures and website addresses can be stored intelligently.