This section describes the anti-counterfeit label features

2022-10-14 | 996 view
Now with the popularity of anti-counterfeit labels, to the criminals and counterfeit market a not small impact.


Now with the popularity of anti-counterfeit labels, to the criminals and counterfeit market a not small impact. With the gradual improvement of living standards, and various online and offline promotional activities to attract attention, people are buying more and more. Anti-counterfeiting labels also increase the customer's trust. In fact, there are many kinds of anti-counterfeiting labels. What are the characteristics of anti-counterfeiting labels?

The characteristics of the security label

1. The uniqueness of the anti-counterfeiting label: it gives each product a unique anti-counterfeiting code, and the logo is on the package of the product. Although the product can be counterfeited, the anti-counterfeiting code is unique.

2. One-time security label: the security label can only be used once under normal circumstances, the security label needs to scrape off the coating or uncover the surface to verify the authenticity, and it will be remembered after the initial query scanning times, code + system security interface will be shown to customers.

3. Security label management unity: it gives each product a unique number, input code + system, let enterprises more convenient unified management.

4. Timeliness of anti-counterfeit labels: consumers scanning the two-dimensional code will be recorded by the code + system, and timely feedback to the enterprise, when there is a problem, the enterprise can accurately and timely find out the problem, to avoid the proliferation of problem products.

5. Convenience of anti-counterfeiting labels: consumers do not need to increase the learning of special discrimination methods, only need to scan the two-dimensional code through the mobile phone to query the authenticity of products anytime and anywhere, simple and convenient.