What are the advantages of the use of bar codes

2022-11-22 | 990 view
Bar code is still the most practical identification technology, cost-effective one, it has many advantages: safe and reliable, accurate information, rapid data entry, economic and practical, low cost, flexible and convenient operation, with a higher degree of freedom, equipment structure is simple.


Bar code is still the most practical identification technology, cost-effective one, it has many advantages: safe and reliable, accurate information, rapid data entry, economic and practical, low cost, flexible and convenient operation, with a higher degree of freedom, equipment structure is simple.

Stripes and blank symbols arranged according to specific coding rules form bar codes, which can represent information composed of specific characters, numbers and symbols. Its system automatic recognition, symbol design and production, combined with scanning and reading function.

So far, bar code is still the most practical and cost-effective identification technology. It has many advantages.

First of all, it is safe and reliable with accurate information. According to scientific statistics found that the bar code on average every record 15,000 characters will appear a mistake. In the case of verifying the error rate of the formation, the error rate is only one in ten million.

Second, data entry is fast. Bar code input speed is far from the keyboard, up to 0.3 seconds input 12 characters (string) speed.

Moreover, economical and practical, the cost is low. Bar code technology than other kinds of automatic identification technology economy, its application only needs a very low cost.

Fourth, the operation is flexible and convenient. Bar code symbol is a kind of technology that can be identified alone or in combination with related equipment. Even in the case of operating the automatic management system together with other control equipment, its operation difficulty is relatively low, and it is very flexible. Manual keyboarding makes it possible to perform without automation.

Fifth, it has a higher degree of freedom. The relative position of the identification device and the bar code label has a large degree of freedom, which goes beyond the limitation of one-dimensional expression information. In the case of insufficient label, accurate information can also be input from the normal part.

Finally, the equipment structure is simple. Bar code label making is simple, bar code identification operation is easy, no special training can be operated. Related: Barcode printers, barcode scanners, data collectors and other equipment are relatively cheap, and these equipment only requires simple training to get started.

The advantages of bar code make it widely used in the market, with great application prospects.