What factors should be considered in the selection of barcode symbol size?

2023-01-03 | 939 view
The magnification factor of EAN barcode is generally in the range of 0.80 ~ 2.00. The selection of barcode symbols should consider the following factors: the size of the printable area, printing conditions and scanning environment.


The size of bar code symbol is enlarged or reduced with the transformation of amplification factor. The amplification factor of EAN bar code is generally selected in the range of 0.80 ~ 2.00. The selection of bar code symbols should consider the following factors:

1. The size of the printed bar code area. For example, if there is enough space to print bar code symbols on gift boxes, a relatively large amplification factor should be selected.

2. Printing conditions. If excellent printing conditions and high quality printing materials are available, relatively small amplification factors can be used.

3. Scan the environment. When applied to the retail link, under the condition that the barcode printing quality meets the requirements, the smaller barcode amplification factor can be selected; When used in storage environment, large bar code amplification factor should be selected due to the long scanning distance. For example, the bar code scanned by the truck operator should be as large as possible.