What does a car VIN code consist of

2023-02-01 | 957 view
VIN is the abbreviation of Vehicle Identification Number. American Society of Automotive Engineers SAE standard: VIN code consists of 17 characters, so commonly known as seventeen digit code.


VIN is the abbreviation of Vehicle Identification Number. American Society of Automotive Engineers SAE standard: VIN code consists of 17 characters, so commonly known as seventeen digit code. It contains information about the vehicle's manufacturer, age, model, body type and code, engine code and assembly location. Understanding the composition of VIN code is very important for us to understand the information of the car, now introduce the components of VIN code for your reference.

VIN code component

VIN code has 17 digits, which can be divided into four parts: WMI, VDS, X, VISWMI: identification code of the world manufacturer;

VDS: vehicle description section;

X: check bit;

VIS: vehicle indication section;

World Manufacturer Identification Code (WMI)

First code: geographic area codes, such as Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, North America and South America;

The second word code: country code. The American Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) assigns country codes;

The third code: manufacturer code, distributed by the countries. If the factory produces fewer than 500 vehicles a year, the third character of the WMI code is 9, which is used by the big factory to assign the cars.

Vehicle Description Section (VDS)

Positions 4-8, vehicle type and configuration. If one or more of the characters is not used, the selected letter or number must be used to occupy the space; It generally contains the following information: vehicle series, engine model, transmission type, body type, air bag, seat belt, etc.

Digits 10-17, a set of characters specified by the manufacturer to distinguish each vehicle. The last four characters should be numbers. Generally including model years (10th), assembly plant (11th), production sequence number, etc.

X indicates the parity bit, which is the digit 0 to 9 or X.