The basic principles of commodity bar code coding are briefly introduced

2023-02-02 | 983 view
Commodity bar code is currently the most widely used bar code, mainly used in retail goods, non-retail goods and logistics unit bar code identification.


Commodity bar code is currently the most widely used bar code, mainly used in retail goods, non-retail goods and logistics unit bar code identification. The steps used in the retail product are the preparation of the code, the selection of the corresponding bar code symbol, the design of the EAN/UPC bar code symbol, and the printing of the bar code symbol.

Commodity bar code in the coding, there are three basic principles, respectively, uniqueness, stability and no meaning of the three basic principles.

Commodity bar code unique basic principle.

The uniqueness principle of commodity bar code code specifically means that the same commodity item is assigned the same commodity identification code, and different commodity items must be assigned different commodity identification codes. The goods with the same basic characteristics should be regarded as the same commodity item, and the goods with different basic characteristics should be regarded as different commodity items.

The basic characteristics of commodity usually include commodity name, trademark, type, specification, quantity, package type and so on. Once the essential characteristics of a good are determined, a different commodity identification code must be assigned whenever one of the essential characteristics of the good changes.

Commodity barcode coding stability principle.

The principle of stability is simply understood to mean that once a commodity identification code is assigned, it should remain unchanged as long as the basic characteristics of the commodity do not change. The same commodity item, whether long - term continuous production or intermittent production, must use the same identification code.

Commodity bar code code does not mean principle.

The principle of non-meaning of commodity bar code means that each digit in the commodity identification code does not represent any specific information related to the commodity. Meaningful coding usually results in a loss of coding capacity. The manufacturer shall use the serial number of Wuhan 1 when compiling the commodity project code.