Introduction to obtaining commodity information by scanning bar code

2023-04-20 | 945 view
Commodity bar codes follow the principle of uniqueness to ensure that commodity bar codes are not repeated throughout the world, that is, one commodity item can only have one item code or one code can only identify one commodity item.


Bar code is divided into two types: one-dimensional code and two-dimensional code. One-dimensional code is our common bar code. It supports numbers, letters and symbols, but does not support Chinese, and supports a maximum of 48 characters.

Qr code supports numbers, letters, symbols and Chinese characters, and can accommodate up to 1850 uppercase letters or 2710 digits or 1108 bytes or more than 500 Chinese characters, which is dozens of times higher than one-dimensional barcode information capacity.

Barcode generation software can generate A-level barcode, which can be identified by any scanning device, such as our commonly used wechat, Alipay and other mobile scanning software or handheld scanning gun.

About the content of the scan, generally speaking, the generated bar code input is what content, scan display is what content. So when we scan to produce a bar code, it usually shows a string of numbers or letters. Scanning the two-dimensional code content is relatively rich, with numbers, letters, text, website and other information.

We buy products with bar codes, so why is it able to scan a lot of text? This is the commodity bar code query problem.

The most commonly used item on goods is the EAN item bar code. Commodity bar codes follow the principle of uniqueness to ensure that commodity bar codes are not repeated throughout the world, that is, one commodity item can only have one item code or one code can only identify one commodity item. Different specifications, different varieties, different prices, different colors of goods can only use different commodity codes. Take bar code 6970021566141 as an example, the bar code is divided into four parts, from left to right:

1.3 digits: a total of 3 digits, corresponding to the bar code 697, is one of the country codes of China;

4-8: digits: A total of 5 digits, corresponding to the barcode 00215, represents the manufacturer's code, which is applied by the manufacturer and allocated by the state;

9-12 digits: a total of 4 digits, corresponding to the bar code 6614, represents the product code in the factory, which is determined by the manufacturer;

The 13th place; A total of 1 digit, corresponding to the bar code 1, is a check code, according to a certain algorithm, calculated by the first 12 digits.

The bar codes of commodity in our country are approved for the record by the article coding center. Each bar code represents a product. The related information of the product is stored in the database of the article coding center, so when we scan the bar code it implies the function of query, and the connected information is the information stored in the article coding center.

If you do not want to use the barcode through the article code center for the record, just as internal management, and want to scan the barcode to obtain product location information, how to achieve it? This requires a set of software including database query. The software fills in according to its own needs, including printing bar code, commodity input, commodity query, etc., and then input the information into the software. Finally, by scanning the bar code, the relevant commodity information will be queried in the system. Only an internal scan will show the corresponding information, and an external scan will not show it.