Application of bar code technology in material management

2023-04-24 | 885 view
With the progress of science, the incoordination of modern production materials will greatly affect the production efficiency of products.


With the progress of science, the incoordination of modern production materials will greatly affect the production efficiency of products. The disordered material warehouse, the complex production materials and the execution of procurement plan are almost every enterprise encountered difficulties.

The application of barcode technology in material management is as follows:

1) Code materials and print bar code labels, which is not only convenient for material tracking and management, but also conducive to reasonable material inventory preparation, improve production efficiency, and facilitate the rational use of enterprise funds. To purchase production materials according to the industry and enterprise rules to establish a unified material code, so as to eliminate the material disorder caused by the loss and confusion.

2) Print bar code identification for materials that need to be identified, so as to track individual pieces of materials in production management, so as to establish a complete product file.

3) Using bar code technology to conduct basic entry, sales and storage management of the warehouse, which can effectively reduce inventory costs.

4) Through product coding, material quality inspection files are established, treatment inspection reports are generated, and suppliers are evaluated by linking with purchase orders.