Bar code technology is used for warehouse management

2023-04-25 | 901 view
The most important thing in warehouse management is error control.


The most important thing in warehouse management is error control. With the increasing refinement of the market, the types of products are also more and more, every time in and out of the warehouse need to carefully check each letter and number on the product model, there can be no difference.

And to make up for these errors, it may cost a lot of manpower and material. Rather than late, as prevention and preparedness, is to warehouse every item has a bar code label. Then scan the bar code on each product when entering and leaving the warehouse, and immediately compare with the documents of entering and leaving the warehouse, model discrepancy and quantity difference will be clear at a glance.

In addition, since the production date of each product is saved in the product files, the warehouse can truly achieve first-in, first-out, and can conveniently calculate the storage days of various products in the inventory to prevent the storage time of products produced before too long, resulting in product failure.