What industry is DotCode suitable for?

2023-04-27 | 976 view
The use of DotCode has seen great success in packaging serialization in the European tobacco industry


The use of DotCode has seen great success in packaging serialization in the European tobacco industry, where fast-paced production environments (often producing up to 1,000 packs per minute) require high-speed product labeling solutions.

The Global Standards body GS1 is responsible for maintaining a global standard for the use of DotCode in the tobacco industry to meet the requirements of the EU Tobacco Traceability Regulation EU 2018/574.

While the most obvious use of DotCode is in the tobacco industry, the code's applicability in fast-paced production environments may be useful for other industries with high-speed coding requirements, such as the alcoholic beverage industry, where serialization may become a requirement in the future.