Barcode software how to make SCC-14 bar code

2022-07-22 | 1108 view
Recently, a user consulted us about the need to make a SCC-14 barcode, but there is no such barcode type in the software.

Recently, a user consulted us about the need to make a SCC-14 barcode, but there is no such barcode type in the software. Scc-14 (Shipping Container Code) is a Code used for Container transportation. It is not a bar Code type but a type of bar Code. It is not a formal bar code system, but applied in a certain field of a variety of bar code types. There are two types of barcode representation according to its purpose: ITF-14 barcode or EAN/UCC-128 barcode.

Below we introduce itF-14 bar code and EAN/UCC-128 bar code form and production method.

Firstly, we make ITF-14 barcode. Click the "barcode" button on the left side of the software to draw a barcode on the label, and select itF-14 as the barcode type in the popup interface.


Enter the bar code data in the edit data section. The ITF-14 bar code is a fixed 14-bit data. If you enter 13-bit data, the software automatically generates the last bit of parity code data.


We click the "barcode" button again to draw a barcode, and select EAN/UCC-128 as the type of barcode in the popup interface.


Input the barcode data in the edit data, if the input number is not enough, the software will automatically complete.


Both of these barcodes have been made, so you can take a look at what they look like.


As can be seen from the above, ITF-14 bar code has a support bar outside the whole bar code. The size of the support bar border can also be set in the software.