What is a Codabar code

2022-08-31 | 982 view
Codabar is abar code developed by Monarch Marking Systems in 1972. It was introduced at an early stage after the "2 of 5" barcode.

Codabar is abar code developed by Monarch Marking Systems in 1972. It was introduced at an early stage after the "2 of 5" barcode. It is widely used in areas where serial numbers are required, such as blood banks, door-to-door delivery service orders, and membership card management.

Codabar has four bars and three blanks (a total of seven cells), with each narrow or wide width representing a character (letter). Seven bars and a blank represent a character. It contains A 20-bit character set: digits 0-9, uppercase letters A, B, C, and D, and six special characters (-, :, /, and /). , "+", "$"). Either A, B, C, or D (A, B, C, or D) at the beginning and end (start/stop) of the barcode.


Codabar's missed reads are fewer than ITF's. Compared with CODE 39, bar CODE size is also smaller. But that doesn't always mean there are no missed reads in Codabar. If the bar code is not printed well, missed reads often occur. So in order to avoid missed reads, it is recommended to use the same method as the ITF and set the barcode reader to a "digital designation" function.Only the specified number of digits is read.


It is easy to generate Codabar codes in barcode software, and can also be generated in batches from the database.