What bar code is cross 25 code

2022-09-07 | 996 view
The cross 25 yard was invented in 1972 by the American company Intermec. Early widely used in warehousing and heavy industry.

The cross 25 yard was invented in 1972 by the American company Intermec. Early widely used in warehousing and heavy industry. In 1981, the United States began to use it in the field of transportation packaging. Cross 25 bar code is a high density bar code. Because bar and blank represent information, there is no bar code character interval, so it is a continuous bar code. Because it can represent different number of numeric characters, it is a non-fixed length bar code.

Cross 25 bar code is prone to misreading caused by information loss. When the scan path does not pass through two blank areas, it is easy to start or end the bar of a bar code symbol with blank space, which will cause information loss or decoding error. Therefore, the cross 25 bar code is often used to identify characters of fixed length. In this case, the decoder or computer only receives information of fixed length, and the short data information can be added with "0" character at the beginning to achieve fixed length. In addition, a protection frame is often used to prevent data misreading caused by incomplete scanning.

The cross 25 bar code consists of the left blank area, the start character, the data character, the end character and the right blank area. Each of its bar code data characters consists of five units, two of which are wide (representing binary "1") and three narrow (representing binary "0"). Bar code symbol From left to right, the bar code data symbol for the odd number of characters consists of bars, and the bar code data symbol for the even number of characters consists of blanks. The number of barcode characters constituting the barcode symbol is even. If the number of characters represented by a bar code character is odd, add the starting character 0 (including two narrow bars and two narrow blanks) and the ending character (including two wide bars and one narrow blank) to the left of the string.


When making this barcode in the barcode label software, click the "barcode" button on the left, draw a barcode on the canvas, set the barcode type to cross 25 code in the popup editing interface, and enter barcode data in the editing data place.


To sum up, it is about the introduction of the cross 25 code, and the method of making in the barcode software. Want to know more about bar code knowledge, you can continue to pay attention to us.