Generate Codabar codes in batches through the database

2022-12-21 | 924 view
When we use barcode software, if we need to generate barcode in batches, we can use serial numbers, random numbers, serial numbers and other ways.

When we use barcode software, if we need to generate barcode in batches, we can use serial numbers, random numbers, serial numbers and other ways. Of course, you can also use the database, the barcode data stored in the database file, and then the database file into the software. Below we will introduce the operation method of batch generation Codabar code through the database in detail.

First, set the size of the label, click "Set Data source", and then click "Select File" to import the file into the software.


Use Bar Code Tool to draw abar code on the canvas. Select the bar code type as "Codabar" and insert the corresponding data source field.


After the bar code is generated, you can set the font and size of the bar code on the right of the software.


After all Settings are completed, click "Print preview" to set the paper and typesetting. Click the previous page or the next page to check the generation of the bar code. You can start printing after checking.


To sum up, Codabar code is generated in batches through the database. The barcode label software can support a variety of database files. You can choose the appropriate database file according to your own needs.